Call for nominations for the CCS Module 4 Questionnaire Development Committee (QDC)

Since 2005, the Comparative Candidate Survey (CCS) has been conducted successfully in more than 25 countries, with a common core questionnaire. Through this project, high quality comparative elite data of candidates running for parliamentary elections has been collected (see

CCS is now preparing to launch a round IV questionnaire development process for a fourth series of candidate surveys. As a first step of the process, a committee in charge of developing the module 4 questionnaire will be elected by all CCS member countries.

The CCS Steering Committee therefore opens a call for nominations for individuals who wish to become members of the Module 4 Questionnaire Development Committee. The Committee will be in charge of:
- organising the questionnaire development process
- launching a call for open modules for round IV
- submitting a draft core questionnaire to the Plenary meeting

Interested candidates should send by email to, no later than 20 October 2023
- their CV
- a brief description of their motivations to be part of the committee

Please note that in order to ensure regional diversity, only one person of each CCS member country can be nominated for the committee.

The Steering Committee will shortlist candidates and invite you to vote electronically on the proposed committee in the end of November or early December 2023 (details will follow). The work of the Committee should start early 2024 and continue throughout the year 2024.

Any inquiries can be sent to

We thank you in advance for your interest and look forward to collaborating with you for the development of the next round of CCS!

Kind regards,
The CCS Steering Committee

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